5 Blog Commenting Tips

Commenting on blog can be a great way to drive extra traffic and link juice to your site. But, then to get the comments accepted is a challenge. So, here are 5 tips for making blog comments high chance to get accepted.

1. Read the Post
Take time to read the post. Its common sense to read the post, understand the topic and then comment. Such comment will then definitely will be relevant to the topic of the post.

2. Check the Name Field
Commenting on blogs is fun and we all want is a backlink. Unfortunately, not every blog owner likes putting anchor text in the name field. So it’s always better to see at the other comments on the blog which have already been accepted. Are they using keywords or names? If you see only names then chances are that your comment will not get accepted if you try to use a keyword. In that case it’s always good to use names rather than using keywords.

3. Post Intelligent Comment
If you have read post nicely then it would be easier for you to post intelligent comment. In most cases, one liners comment like “awesome post” hardly gets accepted. Instead, it’s always good to write something which is relevant to the topic.

4. Short and Precise Comment
It’s always good to keep your comment short and precise. It will save time for others to read your comment. Normally a lengthy comment may get avoided. There is no such word limitation for comment though.

5. Re-check before Posting
It’s very important that your comment is free from grammatical and spelling errors. So take time to look it over before you click the submit button.