Set your Blog on Fire

Keeping up a blog, especially a corporate blog is not an easy task. It’s a labor of love to constantly feed it, maintain it and grow it. So what do we do as bloggers to maintain the consistency? This post will share you all how to get back to your track and help your juices flow again.

Try to read your old posts when you get time. Sometimes little reminders of how you used to do things help a lot. When you first started your blog, everything was new. But as time passed no wonder you start to lack inspiration. Try to find some new faces that are new to you and to the industry. It’s of no doubt such practices increases your own excitement for what you’re doing. One reason why I like talking to people who are new to the blogging or the SEO world is because they unknowingly reinforce why you got into this space, as well. In talking to them and hearing about their passions, their reasons, what they’re struggling with, it reminds you why you started and what you wanted to accomplish.

It’s always a healthy practice to change your style at regular intervals too. Writing everyday 500 word blog post may be a routine work which could bore your mind. Why not make one of your posts video-based this week? Or create a post of images? Or aggregate some great slide shares you think your audience should be aware of? It’s always good to offer little varieties to your audience other than writing long text blogs everyday.

If you’re not excited about what you’re doing, it becomes really difficult to make anyone else excited either. Solve both problems by setting new goals for your blog and your content and give yourself something to work toward. It’s going to rekindle your own spark and, in turn, rekindle the spark your readers once had for you, as well.