On Page SEO for WordPress Site

WordPress is one of the best CMS platforms used by many webmasters across the web market. Embedded with several features and plug-ins, it is easy-to-use and also search engine friendly. An open source CMS platform, WordPress offers various benefits to a website making it more luring for the search engine bots to visit the site and index it quickly. Here are a few On Page SEO tactics that you can follow on your WordPress website:

1. Add decent title tags for all the posts.

2. Important keyword should be tagged with an H1, H2 or an H3 tag.

3. Add a competitive keyword to your title and body description.

4. Add bold tag to your major keywords.

5. Add your major keywords in the first and last sentences of your web content.

6. Check your keyword density in your webpage.

7. When adding images, make sure you add the “Alt tag” along with your main keyword.

8. Internal linking is another very important on-page SEO tactic.

9. Turn-on the PingBack and the Trackback options in your website.

10. Make sure you activate the “No-follow” option to the affiliated links.